Créer une carte SD Raspbian pour votre Raspberry Pi depuis Windows

Create an SD card from Windows, Mac or Linux with Raspberry Pi Imager.

Updated the 24 August 2020 - 0 Comments - , , , , , ,

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On March 5, the Raspberry Pi foundation announced the release of a homemade tool to facilitate the creation of SD cards, Raspberry Pi Imager, and this from any OS.

We will therefore see how to install Raspbian (or other) on your SD card with Raspberry Pi Imager.

The necessary equipment.

To be able to create an SD card for your Raspberry Pi you will need 3 things:

It's easy to install Raspberry Pi Imager!

Raspberry Pi Imager is installed like any software on your operating system. You just need to download the version suitable for your system, Windows, MacOS or Linux, double click on the downloaded file and follow the guide.

Note that for Linux you will need a Debian based system, eg Ubuntu.

We are therefore on a classic installation, within the reach of the most beginners!

Flashing the SD card with Raspberry Pi Imager, a snap!

Now that the software is installed, we will be able to flash our SD card to install the system of our choice. Once again, you will see that it is now a breeze.

Start by inserting the SD card into your computer, and launch Raspberry Pi Imager, you arrive on the window below.

The software home window.

As you can see, the installation will take place in three stages: Choice of system, choice of card, start of writing.

Choose the OS to install.

Good news, you no longer have to download the image of the system you want to install in advance, Raspberry Pi Imager does it for you!

So click on the first button, and a drop-down list of installable systems will appear, just click on the one that interests you.

The list of directly installable systems.

You will notice that a few more options are available, like "Misc utility images", for card or EEPROM memory repairs, "Erase", to format a card in FAT32, or "Use custom" to use an image from your PC rather than letting the software download it.

Choose the SD card.

After choosing the system to install, we need to choose where to install it. To do this, click on the second button and a list of USB keys / SD cards connected to your PC will appear.

Here we only have a connected card.

Click on your SD card in the list, and you will come to the last step.

Start writing on the card.

We have chosen which system to install, where to install it, all we have to do is start writing. The button "Write" on the right is no longer grayed out, you just have to click on it and wait for the end!

Once everything is configured, the "write" button becomes clickable.

A progress bar indicates the progress of the writing, all you have to do is wait for the end, remove the card and insert it into your Raspberry Pi!

You can stop copying at any time by clicking on the button that appears at the bottom right.

Obviously, don't forget to enable SSH if necessary!

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