Raspbian France changes its name and becomes Raspberry Pi FR!

Updated the 25 July 2019 - 0 Comments - , ,

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It is now 5 years since we launched the Raspbian France site. Initially a simple blog around Raspbian, the site has gradually expanded and has managed to bring together a large and loyal community, coming to learn with tutorials, get information with news articles, or discuss on the forum!

During these 5 years, the site has changed a lot, and it seems opportune to act on this change by changing the name of the site.

A name that better reflects our content.

Originally, Raspbian France was launched during our second year of graduate school, as a blog around the Raspbian operating system. Tutorial after tutorial, our theme has broadened and we are now dealing with the Raspberry Pi in general rather than an operating system.

As a result of these changes, the name Raspbian France no longer seems to reflect the content of the site, and we have therefore taken the decision to change the name of the site as well as the associated domain name.

Old raspbian france design
At the time, Raspbian France looked like this!

A more explicit and more recognizable name.

Whether through the tutorials, the forum or RaspiSMS, I think I can say that we have fully contributed to the French community around the Raspberry Pi, and that we are today known and recognized by this community.

However, while the site is well known among the more established, we have seen that newcomers to the community tend to have a little trouble with the name of the site.

Indeed, for a person new to the Raspberry Pi, the name Raspbian does not necessarily mean much and the link with the Raspberry Pi is not obvious.

This name change should therefore make it easier for newcomers to find the site, and to make the name more representative of the content.

How will the name change go?

As of today, the site will officially be renamed. Technically, this means that the old domain name will be redirected to the new one and that the internal references to "Raspbian France" will be changed to "Rasperry Pi FR".

Clearly, each time you try to access the Raspbian France site, you will be automatically redirected to the new domain name, raspberry-pi.fr, on the page you wanted to consult on the historical site. The same goes for the forum.

On your side, everything will therefore be completely transparent! If you have linked to the site, you don't need to update it!

Internally, all the links will be updated to the new address.

We want to keep the historic domain name for several more years to ensure redirects over time and prevent external tutorials from pointing to non-existent pages!

We hope you will follow us under this new name as you did under the old one!

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Raspberry Pi FR
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