By Raspberry Pi FR the 24 February 2017 -1 Comment
Today we write a tutorial to complete the one dealing with the installation of a web server on the Raspberry. Indeed, it will be here about the installation of a web server other than Apache, namely Nginx. What is Nginx? Before installing Nginx, you need to understand what Nginx is. Nginx is a web server. […]
By Raspberry Pi FR the 20 February 2017 -No Comments
We have never addressed the subject and yet the retrogaming and the emulator have an important place in the Raspberry Pi community! Today, we present a system that regroups several emulators under the same distribution, Recalbox. Everything you need to rediscover your old games with your Raspberry Pi! What is Recalbox? Recalbox is a distribution […]
By Raspberry Pi FR the 16 February 2017 -2 Comments
If you do some software development you most likely know GitHub, which is probably the most known web Git repository manager. For those of you who would not know GitHub yet (just, stop doing management, do a real job, start coding) here is a reminder. GitHub is a web service based on the software Git […]
By Raspberry Pi FR the 13 February 2017 -32 Comments
After creating your SD card, and after starting your Raspberry Pi for the first time, there are strong chances that you want to use as a web server. Why a Raspberry Pi as a web server ? But why use a Raspberry as a web server, rather than using services providers specialized in web hosting? […]
By Raspberry Pi FR the 6 February 2017 -3 Comments
Following the arrival of the Raspberry pi 3, with its batch of technical innovations, we can go even further and create projects that require quite a lot of resources at the level of the processor, like creating a Minecraft server on the Raspberry Pi. As a reminder, the Raspberry pi 3 now has a processor […]
Some time ago we presented several competitors to the Raspberry Pi including the C.H.I.P., the Banana Pi or the Archos Stick. Today we will talk about a new development board, cheapest than the Raspberry Pi, the Orange Pi Zero! As you can see this Orange Pi is in direct competition with the Raspberry Pi by […]
By Raspberry Pi FR the 28 January 2017 -9 Comments
Beyond the articles and related comments, we receive in the mailbox of Raspbian France many questions and requests for help! Among all these questions / requests for help around the Raspberry Pi, there is one that come back very often, “My Raspberry Pi HDMI display not working, how to fix it ?”. Today we offer […]
By Raspberry Pi FR the 24 January 2017 -9 Comments
In the last tutorial, we showed you how to replace Apache by Nginx for your Raspbian system, in order to get a faster and less RAM-consuming web server. Today, we will continue to optimize our web server on the Raspberry Pi by interesting us to the database. So we’ll see how to install MariaDB on […]
By Raspberry Pi FR the 20 January 2017 -No Comments
Today, the Gladys Project is upgrading to version 3 ! This new version of Gladys brings of course a lot of innovations but also several improvements. Indeed, since the teasing done a few months ago, we haven’t had any news for the 3.0 ! But since a few days, the official Twitter tweets and tease […]
After a first article devoted to the creation of a Raspbian SD card with Windows, here is its open source alternative, how to create Raspbian microSD card using the command line from a Linux system (or, a priori, any other UNIX). This installation will be done entirely in command lines. So we will not use a graphic […]